Monday, November 7, 2011


Today we began packing; both lab equipment and personal items. I imagine the three of us will be rolling down airport hallways with about three large 50 pound tubs of lab equipment each and simple backpacks with our personal gear. Lots of our equipment was already shipped down to McMurdo, but much development has ensued over the preceding weeks...days...and hours. Raytheon and the US polar services provides all the warm clothing we need when we get to Christchurch, NZ.

The three of us are: Jordan, Joulien and myself. They are both graduate students here at UCI. Jordon went down last year so he knows what to expect.  Joulien showed me how to access a wifi network with my new smartphone and convinced me to take it despite no Sprint coverage. I'm bringing a WAP router so if we have internet on the ice we can have it as wireless (I wonder if Sprint will cover damage due to penguin attack?) :)

We will be flying from LAX tomorrow at 11:30pm nonstop to New Zealand. Plenty to do in the meantime.


  1. Bon Voyage - glad to hear about the warm clothes waiting for you; when I read the line about 1 backback I thought "What! Where are the parkas and boots and such?"

  2. Warm clothes! What nonsense. I expect you semi-naked meditating in the snow. Though now that I think about it, your inner radiance will only melt the icepack and add to global warming. So I guess you'll have to bundle up. Safe travels.
